If you found a car of your dream, you can easily open the Vehicle Profile Page and access vehicle details before you will click on “Buy Now” button.
For those who are looking for Similar Offers, we would suggest to consider “Similar vehicles” and “Similar Vehicle Price Statistics Results”.
These services are available on every auto page on AuctionExport website and may help you to make a right decision.
For example, you consider to buy 2009 HONDA CR-V EX
If you want to compare this vehicle with other similar offers or to look for one that better suits your preferences, you can use “Similar Vehicle”. This section allows you to look through similar offers available for sale on the website. You can find “Similar Vehicle” section under the “Vehicle Information” on the Vehicle Profile Page.
In case you decide to take part in the auction, we suggest you to look through already sold similar cars statistics results. When you open “Similar Vehicle Price Statistics Results” located under the “BID Information”, you will see the list of similar cars and the prices for which they were sold. With this information you will know the approximate amount for a winning bid.